
Address: Sorella Chelsea Buma
Via Flavia 21
00055 Ladispoli (RM)

Address for the mission home in Rome:
Italy Rome Mission
Piazza Carnaro, 20
00141 Rome RM

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Mamma Mia!
      Well, this is really weird.  I never really saw the day coming that i would be writing my last email.  I wish i could explain to all of you how im feeling right now.  But i cant.  Im definitely excited to be home again but its been really hard saying bye to everyone.  But then at the same time it doesnt seem real and im going to really be hit hard on friday i think.
     This week was sweet though!  Baptism in the sea!  It was the coolest thing i have ever seen.  I spoke and all went well.  The mom was there and bore her testimony as well.  I really hope this is her stepping stone to come back to church.  (im soooooo hot right now this is going to be a short email because we are all dying!!!!)  Elisa was so happy!  She is just the cutest thing.  Gentile is the perfect word to describe her.  Hopefully i can send pics today, if not, just know that you will see them all this weekend!  It was so nice not having to fill a font!  There were no problems in that area.    Sunday she got confirmed and her mom and dad were both there.  I have a really strong connection with her mom.  I know i needed to meet her and there is a reason Elisa was baptized before i left.  I love her.  Im so grateful for internet so i cant continue to talk to these people i love!
    We are leaving but we should come back to finish this.  hopefully ill write more tonight.  If not, know that i love you and that ill see you and talk to you soon!!!  Holy cow!  LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     A couple hours later im finishing this.  We just went bowling with some other anziani and it was great.  Its too hot to be outside so it was perfect.  Ill get some pics attached to this.
    As far as the rest of the week, its pretty much just been saying good bye to everyone.  We had an awesome fourth of july bbq with a couple in our ward.  They have been married since september and are the best ones.  It was so fun.  We made sloppy joes for them, ate hotdogs and pancakes.  Plus sorella ivory shared her tradition with us and we made a flag cake.  It was so cute.  I LOVE them.  He is counting on me being here in Italy next May for his birthday.  I hope i can really make it!!  I am so grateful for the people i know here in Ladispoli.  President Kelly always says its the best ward and it really is.  It has grown so much in the past 10 years and the members are all really strong.  We dont even have tons of less actives that we can really visit.
     On sunday, bishop passed me a note asking me if i wanted to say bye to the ward before i go.  As soon as i read the note i got choked up.  It was a disaster.  I just cried the whole time.  Literally.  They have become my ward and it was the hardest thing to look at these people i love and know it wasnt going to be the same the next sunday.  For the first time, standing up and bearing my testimony to them, it hit me that i really was leaving.  I hope one day you all get to come back here and meet them.  Friends and family included.  They have such a big piece of my heart.  I served here for 9 months and have loved every minute of it.  Im convinced that i couldnt have done that in any other city.
     Tomorrow morning ill finish packing my bags and be on the train at 11 to go to Rome.  The dying missionaries are all going to see the temple and then we have to be at the office at 230.  It doesnt seem real at all.  I have finished saying bye to most people here, just another family in the ward tonight, and then tomorrow morning ill have to say bye to Raffaella and Giorgia.  thats going to be the hard one.  I think Giorgia is coming with us to the Termini station in Rome.  Im sure some tears will be shed there.  I just love her with all my heart.  Oh, and also Umberto is soooooo cute.  He is coming to say bye to me in the airport!!! haha.  We leave early but he didnt care.  He just wants to come and salute me one last time!
     I wish i could explain to you how i feel.  I had a really cool experience during the sacrament on sunday and i know i have done what i needed to do here.  I love being a missionary.  I love it.  I have learned and understood the importance of our message a little bit more every day.  I didnt serve a perfect mission but with time i have understood that that was never expected of me .  I love this Gospel.  I love my Savior.  I have developed a much closer relationship with him over the last year and a half.  I know that He loves me and im grateful for His sacrifice for me.  individually.  Thank you family and friends for your support during my mission.  We are far apart but i have felt your love and prayers.  Literally.  I cant wait to tell you about all the people I love!  I might even try and cook something italian for you!  Haha.  Thanks for being with me through all of it!  I love you!!!!  I cant wait to see your faces!!  Pray for me during my travels!  Its going to be friday the 13th!  Love you all!!!!!
Sorella Buma

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Happy 4th of July!!!!
     I hope you all enjoy some good food today and fireworks and think of me!  For english course yesterday we talked all about the fourth and the things we do.  I took the pictures you sent me of you guys last year and they loved them.  Then we ate brownies together.  It was great!  I hope that we can do fireworks the 24th of july for pioneer day.  I cant believe all of these fires.  Dani, i hope you guys are ok!  I heard that Alpine has been evacuated.  You are in my prayers and i love you!  That is out of control!  HOpefully it all gets taken care of in the next couple days.  Someone was talking about it here so its HUGE news.  THey only had heard about Colorado though.
     Well, i cant believe that its my last week.  Im stressed.  Trying not to be but you know how I am.  I just get stressed easily.  We are trying to see everyone and figure out time to get with everyone before i go.  Its nuts.  Its nice having that excuse though. Paola actually saw us yesterday and it went so well.  I just talked to her about the Book of Mormon and why its so important.  The spirit was there for sure and she promised she would read it.  Even if it meant that she would have to take it on the train with her and read it on her way to work.  I know it will change her life and i want her to be able to experience that.  She also told me she would let the sisters come and see her.  It was a really good lesson.  Im going to try again today to send a pic of it.
     At zone conference president kelly told us that taking the sacrament and thinking of its importance throughout the week is the key to success for this mission.  He told us that if we tried even harder this week to use it in our lives we would see miracles this week.  Then for District meeting I did my training on the sacrament.  It was SO awesome.  I have learned a lot about it in my mission and especially this week.  I have really understood the significance of having a clean slate every week. I remember when i was younger and being mad that i couldnt have just gotten baptized when i was old.  I thought it was unfair.  Then i understood the sacrament.  what a gift!  Heavenly Father has given us everything!  I love repentance.  I am such an imperfect person and missionary.  But i know that repentance is real.  Its all a process.  And im grateful for second, third, fourth and thousandth chances.
      Ill tell you about a cool lesson we had with a Young Woman the other night next week.  Maybe ill make a recording.  IM just learning a lot!  I love it!
     Well, i have one week left.  Dont forget to write me next week!  Its going to be the last one!  Im going to just soak it all in and let the tears roll, like Lois said.  Haha.  I love it.  Its going to be hard.  I love being here.  THis is going to be a good week!  ILl take pictures of everyone!  Im scared about coming home and dealing with the real world.  You will all have to help me with it!  Thanks for your letters and prayers. Im so grateful for all of you!  Have a great week!  Give grandma joyce a big hug for me and tell her ill be there to keep her company soon!  Thanks for your examples!  Talk to you next week!!
Sorella Chelsea

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


     Im sitting in an internet point in Rome just dying!!!  Its soooo hot.  Holy cow.  I dont even know how the elders do it.  At least im in a short sleeve shirt with sandles.  Thats a plus.  I dont know how it is back at home but its just hot here.  Im so glad that im in ladispoli.  Its better there because we are right on the sea and there is a breeze.  Plus there just arent as many people.  Its insane how many tourists there are here.  And really weird when hear americans talking because in my 2 areas that pretty much NEVER happened on the streets.
      First i want to tell you something SWEET!  Cristian.  Remember him?  he had a baptismal date but then had to move.  Well, i heard from him the other day and he got baptized!!!!!  he was so excited to tell me and it was just so great to hear!  He needs the Gospel and he finally did it!  I was screaming when i found out and im sure that my companions thought i was nuts but i really was just so happy for him.  that baptism was a long time coming.
     Other news is that Elisa is getting baptized!  Its going to be on the 7th instead of the 8th.  And we are going to be doing it in Ladispoli in the sea!  Im really excited about that.  She asked me if i would talk about baptism at her baptism and im honored.  I love her so much.  She prayed to know if the church was true and she said that heavenly father answered her and said it was true but she will understand it all more as she gets older.  It was the cutest thing.  Also, her mom wants to give the talk about the Holy Ghost and we are just praying that this will be something that will bring her back.  Its the craziest thing.  She is the most normal person and has such a strong testimony.  I really havent meet tons of people in my mission like her.  But she just cant take the hard step of getting back in church.  Even though usually kids are baptized and confirmed right after, i hope that she gets confirmed in church on sunday because then her mom would come and i think thats what she really needs.
      We havent seen that family in a while.  They have been out of town and they are going to be moving soon so its been hard.  Mom, the pic you saw from Sorella Ivory is of a family in our ward.  They are so great!  Im trying to be better about taking pictures... Thankfully sorella sudweeks is a photographer so she makes up for what i dont do.  Giorgia is doing well but still working.  Im proud of her though because she is working a lot and it is tired but is still reading the book of mormon every day.  I hope its something she will keep doing when i leave!  Right now we are in alma 14.  we should be finished in august or something.
     No one else really has updates.  we have some referrals we are going to be meeting and hopefully that all goes well.  I need to make sure i leave ladispoli in the best way possible.  I just love this place.  the members and everything.  i know i have life long friends here. And free places to say:)  We have been doing lots of finding these days.  I love finding.  the best stories come out of it.  I talked to this lady yesterday and this is what she said to me, "Im Catholic.  Anyway, we'll see each other in heaven."  Then she tapped my shoulder and walked away.  haha.  it just kills me the way people respond.  We also were ringing people trying to get in an apartment complex.  one guy says "Ya.  Im on the eighth floor."  So we get up there.  HE IS A WEIRDO!!!!  haha.  he is in the middle of shaving his face and he curly strange hair and it was SOOOOO awkward.  Then he pretended like he wasnt the one that let us in... haha.  Knocking doors is so great cause you just never know who is going to be behind the door!
     I think thats it for me this week.  Its hot and im getting hungry:)  We are off to see the Vatican for my last time!  Im soaking it all in.  I LOVE ROME!  its such a beautiful city.  Hopefully i can come back and visit many times.  Im also going to get in the sea the next time i come!  thats a little hard when its so hot outside.  Thanks for the letters by the way!  On friday i got 9 letters!!!!  its was sweet!  Postcards from my family in Ireland and letters from Utah!  I felt so loved!  Thanks for your love and support!  I have 2 more weeks to really work hard!  Its going to be busy and good!  Tomorrow is zone conference and i have to give my "dying testimony" (weird mission terms).  I cant even believe that day is here in my life.  Its coming to the end of a chapter in my life.  I want to finish it off well!  Im grateful for the time i have to serve my heavenly father.  I know this work is important!  And im grateful for my savior that gives me the strength to do it every day.  Have a great week!!  Until next week!
Sorella Chelsea

Being weird...

Me and Delby

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's heating up!

    Che Caldo!!!  Mamma mia!!  This week has been insane.  Its like 95 to 100 degrees and just so humid.  Oh man... At least gelato in Italy is soooo good so that keeps us motivated.  They say that today and tomorrow are going to be worse and then it should cool down a little bit.  Thats all i can pray for!  Thanks for the emails and for the letters!!!  Mom, its been sooooo great getting some letters in our mail.  Brynne and Brooklyn, thanks for your pictures!  They are hanging on our fridge and we love them. Grandma Joyce, im glad to hear that you are doing better.  What a scare!!  Hang in there.  We have a birthday for you to celebrate!!  You are all in my prayers.  I hope you know that and i hope you feel that.  I love my family.  I feel so blessed to have so many people that are at home supporting me.  I can feel your love!!!  2 families and lots of love!  Heavenly Father knew i would need having a big support system.
      We are doing well here in Ladispoli.  Its different being in 3.  I hope sorella Sudweeks feels our love.  She is doing great but having all the hard times that come in the beginning.  I remember how frustrating the language was.  Looking at my trainer and feeling like i would never speak that well.  And somehow, through lots of prayer and faith, it comes.  I have been reading my journal entries from the past in these days.  haha.  Its so crazy.  I know i have grown so much.  I really struggled at times.  ITs interesting though that i dont remember those hard times.  I had totally forgotten that till i went back and read it.  I love my mission.  I cant imagine being anywhere else.  Sorella Ivory is doing good too.  I think that she will be transferred when i go.  She is going to need a change up.  We have become SOOOO close and i think it would be better for her to have a change.  President agrees with me.  We are going to be life-long friends.  I know  i needed to serve with her.  I dont know how much i actually did to help her but i know that she is in such a better place than when she came to ladispoli.  She is a hard worker and i know she is going to do great things for the rest of her mission.  We have just become like sisters and its awesome!
     Oh, i also need to say that i forgot about Fathers day!  So happy late fathers day to you all!  They dont really celebrate it here.  But know that you are loved!  I have such great examples in my life!  Im so grateful for the priesthood that you hold as men in the Church.  I have really come to appreciate knowing that i can ask for blessing whenever i want.  Iknow there is a difference in families with a priesthood holder directing it and those that dont.
    Also, mom, I dont know if i acknowledged this last time.  I know my homecoming was changed to the 22nd and im ok with that.  I think the topic actually is better.  So we'll see how this goes....
     All of our investigators are spending lots of time at the beach... SO that is putting a little dent in our work.  haha.  I dont blame them.  We need to do some finding and keep ourselves motivated.  Giorgia is doing great and is regularly praying on our knees.  If only you all knew her!   You would know how big of a deal that is!  She is great!  I love her so much.  We are going to see the family this week and im excited for that! Elisa is doing well and praying to find her testimony.
     I dont have much time this week so im going to have to cut it short.  Just know that i love you!  Ill tell you everything in good details over the next while.  Thanks for all being examples to me.  I love hearing from you and learning from your testimonies.  Have a great week and know that i miss you!  We will see each other soon enough!!  Thanks for supporting me always but mostly while im here as a missionary.  I know that thisis the true Church.  Im so happy to be where i am sharing what we all know.  THe Gospel changes lives if we let it!
Sorella Chelsea

Monday, June 18, 2012

Loving Ladispoli!

Ciao a tutti!
    Well, its been a good week here in ladispoli.  we have lots to
get done in the next month and its going to be great.  Basically im
thinking that its going to involve lots of eating.  Lots of members
have asked for us to come over before i leave.  Haha.  So we have
already started our list.  Yesterday we ate lunch with the famiglia
Torelli.  They are SOOOOOO great and she is the best cook!  Her
lasagna is to DIE FOR.  Seriously. Im really going to miss this food!
Im trying to write everything down but im sure its just never going to
be the same.  So im going to live it up while i can!
    As for this week, I just want to tell you about the conference we
had.  I thought about mary the whole time!  It was an area conference
broadcasted from SLC for like 6 countries in europe.  Italy and france
just happened to be there together.  Anyway, Elder Nelson, President
Eyring, one of the 70, and sister jean stevens spoke to us.  it was
soooo good and just so great seeing our little italians so excited to
hear from apostles.  elder nelson gave a shout out to sorella miles
and im sure she was just distraught!  haha.  She is in Bari now and i
wont see her for a long time and that makes me sad!  The conference
was so great.  It was really focused on the family and how parents
should be raising their children.  I loved it even though it really
doesnt apply to me yet.  Anyway, its always such a treat to hear from
our leaders.  Before i forget, Jessenia and Delby are going to be in
Utah for general conference and i need to get us some tickets.  Anyone
know how that is possible?
     here is some sad news, and some good.  Ill give you the sad
first.  Well, Paola has been dodging us for like 2 weeks now and
finally yesterday we got a hold of her.  She said that she isnt ready
to be baptized and doesnt really even want us to come over.  I was SO
sad!  Its so hard to see people give up something that you know is so
good.  I love the metophor of the church being like a hospital.  We
are all sick in our own ways but chirst and his gospel can heal us.
Paola desperately needs this but hasnt understood yet how incredible
it is.  I hope that we can see her again and help her feel the spirit
     The good news is that Elisa has a baptismal date again!!!!  July
8th, my last sunday here.  It really should go down this time.  We
explained that coming to church is so important so if her parents dont
want to take her they need to find a way to help them (elisa and her
brother) get to church.  The mom was really open to it and said there
will be a way to have them there.  I hope that just one time the mom
will bring them.  I know she has a testimony and she just needs to get
over the big wall of coming back to church.  Hopefully this baptism
will help.  she will have to come to church at least the sunday that
elisa is sustained as a member.
    I think thats about it for us here.  Its been cloudy the past
couple days (besides today) and i cant even tell you how grateful i am
when i see the clouds.  It just means one less day that im going to
melt away!  I want to make a promise to you all that im going to work
hard and finish giving it my all.  Thank you for your emails this
week.  It was so great this week to get so many emails.  Mom, ill be
waiting for all the mail!  Thanks for doing that!  I love you all so
much!  Ill talk to you next week!  Until then, know that you are in my
prayers!  The Church is true!  I know it and i love it!
Sorella Chelsea

I cant figure out the pictures!!  sorry!  Better luck next time!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Welcome Sorella Sudweeks!

      Well, we are now here in 3 in Ladispoli and its going great.  Definitely a little harder always in 3 but we are making it!  Its been great and Sorella Sudweeks is so great!  She is from Provo and studying photography.  She graduated in 2009 so me and sorella Ivory just feel like grandmas... haha.  Its always so fun to have a greenie.  She fits right in though and i keep forgetting that she doesnt know where we are going because it seems like she has just always been here with us.  She has a great desire to use time wisely and get things done.  Its going to be a good transfer!
      As for the week... First paola.  We had a little mishap with her this week.  The lady in our ward that found her is a little off.  She is new member and just hasnt quite got this member missionary thing down yet.  Anyway, she took Paola to the beach with her on saturday and i dont think that went over so well.  She first told paola that she needs to dress more modestly and that she cant run around like that because she is over 40 now and needs to change...  Then she also explained the word of wisdom and law of tithing.  Lets just say that i think  it was too much for Paola.  We have seen her once since but now she started working and its hard finding time to see her.  I dont know.  Pray for her.  Pray that we can find time to see her this week and that all will go well.  She needs the gospel, just like we all do.
     We saw the Family on sunday!  It was so great!   we are going back to see them on friday.  The dad has ADD im pretty sure and so the bishops wife took him and distracted him so we could talk to the mom.  She is so great and sooooooo prepared for the gospel.  I seriously love her.  The catch is that sometime between now and the midde of July they are moving to another city on the other side of rome.   Im pretty sure there is a church close there though and i know that if its not here, they will get baptized there.  Ill take a picture with them when we go on friday.  They have twins and they are the cutest little girls.
     Giorgia is doing good and we had a sweet lesson with her.  Listen to the recording for a few more details on that.  She just needs to give in because she is so ready.  Its crazy being able to really see how heavenly father has just prepared people for the Gospel.
    Sunday was a SWEET day in church. First of all, the family came!  Salvatore, antonella and there 3 kids.  That was sooooo sweet!!  Then during sacrament it was incredible.  Ok, there is a girl here, Mariangela, that has been less actve for a while.  She is 21 and always wanted to serve a mission.  But then she really got off the right path.  We have been seeing her for about a month now and she is a completely different person.  for the better.  She wants to go on a mission again and is getting everything back on track to go.  She bore her testimony about the book of mormon and how she is reading it now and she knows its true and that it has such a power.  it was sweet!  I loved it!  Then jessenia, shy little jessenia, got up and bore her testimony about the book of mormon too.  Doesnt stop there.  Then umberto bore his testimony too!  All of them for the first time.  He talked about how the gospel just makes us a happy people.  His dad asked him why he was so happy and he said it was because he was going to church. I felt the spirit so strong.  I love the book of mormon. THe power it has is incredible.  This gospel gives us the opportunity to change and its great!  Ilooked at these 3 people and was so happy to see the difference that has come into their lives because they allowed the gospel to change them.  I love being a missionary and seeing this in people.  In those i teach, my companion, and more than anything in my life.
      I have to go for this week but just know that i love you  and miss you all.  Thanks for holding out and writing me!  YOu are all the best ones!  Im finishing strong and so happy to be here.  Thanks for your love and support and prayers.  I say it a lot but i know i couldnt be here with out you all.  So thank you.  Have a great week and ill talk to you next week!  LOVE YOU!!!!!
Sorella Chelsea

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Last Transfer!!

Mamma mia!!!!
     Non lo so dov'è andato il tempo!!!  Its my last transfer??  I just cant believe it.  I still feel like im just going around not really knowing what im doing.  yes, i know a lot more than when i started 15 months ago but i still just feel like i have so much to learn.  I have learned that a mission isnt going to change me into exactly the person i want to be, perfect.  I just have always had this picture in my mind of a return missionary and they seemed perfect in my eyes.  So starting out, i expected to come home like them.  the ideal return missionary.  What i have learned though is that a mission is giving me a good jump start on that process.  I have a lot more to learn and a lot more to change that isnt all going to happen in my mission.  Im so grateful i have my whole life to keep the process going.  This is just my jumping point!   I have learned so much and i know this last transfer is going to be another good one!
     So, yes, we are training!  Im really excited.  Im glad i have the chance to train again.  When i trained sorella miles i was SOOOOOO scared.  I was so stressed for our first 2 weeks.  Poor sorella miles had to deal with that.  This time im just excited.  I want her to just love ladispoli!!!  and love the mission!  Love the people!  I think i really needed just a little change up though for this last transfer.  So this morning we got our house ready for her.  I packed half my stuff so she would have some room to put her clothes away, that was really weird.  We got out a bed for her and we are good to go.  Tomorrow morning we are taking the 7:00 train to go to the mission home and pick her up!  It should be interesting training in 3...
      Next, I saw Sarah and Chad!  That was sooooo nice to just spend a couple hours with them.  I was waiting for them on the spanish steps and they came around and surprised me.  I was sooooo happy. haha.  I was nervous to see them but it was perfect.  It was like we just hadnt seen each other in a couple days.  they look just the same and told me every thing at home is pretty much the same.  thats always good to hear!  I was grateful they took a couple hours out of their trip to come see me.  We ate some pizza and gelato and walked around rome.  it was great!  Thanks sarah and chad!  Hope you made i home safely!!
      Ok, next.  Our bishop had to cancel our dinner appointment with this family (Salvatore and Antonella) this week.  So we havent seen them since last time i wrote.  We will make sure that we see them this week.  If our bishop cant do it with us, we are going to see them!  They didnt come to church either like we were hoping.  But thats ok!  THey are great and we just need to get over there to see them.  They are from southern Italy and i loved being around them because they are a lot like my beloved Sicilians.  Man i miss them.  Haha.  Keep praying for them!
      we have some new investigators that are SOOOO great.  The first is Diana.  I talked to her a long time ago on the street and FINALLY she came to english course.  She is probably my age and seriously one of the cutest girls i have meet in Italy.  And she just loves us.  She came to english course last night just to see us!  she said she was dead tired but wanted to come to see us.  then they invited her to stay for institute and she did!  We are seeing her today and we will see how that goes.  She is really religious and ports her prayer necklace all the time.  SO have a little explaining to do.  haha.   But she likes what she sees so far!
    Then there is Paola.  I think we found her last thursday because she came to an activity with a member.  She is a little off but really great.  She has been severly depressed but has already changed so much in the past couple days.  She writes poetry but for the past several years hasnt been capable of doing it.  we went to see her monday night and after church the day before she wrote like 4 poems for the first time!  and they were beautiful!  She came to church and loved it!  singing all the hymns with us and closing her eyes and so concentrated during the sacrament.  it was sweet!  We also invited her to baptized June 23 and she agreed!!!! So we will be busy getting her ready for that!  ILl have to take a pic and send it to you.
    By the way, somehow i deleted the pictures on my memory card... just of the past month and a half but im still really sad.... im glad i at least sent a couple in emails.  man.  Im not very smart.... Giorgia always tells me im a disaster!  haha.  Its sometimes very true.  She is doing good but is now going to be working all day, every day.  Yesterday i asked if she thought the chruch was true.  She said she didnt know.  Then i told her that I knew that she knew it was true and she couldnt deny it at all.  She just needs to get some courage to forgive heavenly father and let the atonement heal her heart.
      I think thats about it for us today!  We have seen so many miracles in the past week and i know this work is the Lords work.  I have had the goal to go to bed every night exhausted because i had given it my all that day.  I know as we give it our all the lord makes up for the rest.  And he blesses us more than we will ever know.  I love being apart of this work!  Being a missionary makes me happy every day!  I have one more transfer to wear my tag and ill wear it proudly!  I love Ladispoli and i want to give it my all.  They deserve it!  Thanks for you love and support.  I love my family and friends.  I miss you but ill see you soon!  Until then, know you are always in my thoughts and prayers!
Sorella Chelsea

Sorry but i had to send this picture... haha.  Italy has changed me.. haha.  Ill be working on this before i get home.  Its bad though because italians are just really open with their weight and they dont really care what anyone thinks about it.  and that is what i have acquired.  HELP ME!!! haha.
Us with Sarah and Chad.  Im so glad sarah took some pics cause i lost all of mine!!

(I'm having trouble getting these pictures. Once I get them, I will add them.)